Hi all,
For our computer lab, we've recommended (tentatively) that the space remain closed in the fall, even if campus is open. Much of that has to do with hygiene and social distancing. Our lab space is small and we feel we couldn't socially distance and still accommodate more than maybe 8 users at a time. If our campus is open (hasn't been decided) we're still going to try to support some of our biggest uses and users virtually. In other spaces with a few computers, we'll need to look at options for disposables (thanks for the links to explore, Bob!). Equipment we specifically hold for language class use (VR sets, google cardboard, teaching resource cart, mini white boards, etc) will likely also not be available.
That's where we are right now, and it's all tentative, with lots to think thru. I'd love to know what others are doing!
Hope Fitzgerald
Instructional Designer, The Language Commons
A&S Learning Design & Technology
University of Virginia
297 New Cabell Hall
-----Original Message-----
From: llti@lists.iallt.org <llti@lists.iallt.org> On Behalf Of Bob Majors
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2020 12:06 PM
To: llti@lists.iallt.org
Subject: Re: [LLTI] computer, equipment, and lab sanitizing
We just started looking at disposable covers for headsets. We have just scratched the surface, and this is by no means a recommendation, but:
I recall from *many* years ago there being a lot of LLTI discussion (any maybe a posted web page) about lab hygiene.
Bob Majors
Language Learning Center
University of Washington
> On May 20, 2020, at 5:31 PM, Andree, Erica A. <erica.andree@pacificu.edu> wrote:
> Hello All,
> In anticipation of students someday returning to campus and the language center, I’m looking for ways to maintain sanitary public spaces - the computer workstations in particular.
> Do you have ideas or recommendations for keeping Apple wired USB keyboards and mice clean and sanitized? I’m considering washable silicone keyboard covers, disposable plastic bag-type covers, replacing with waterproof keyboards, or using damp sanitizing wipes directly on the keyboards, mice, and desktop. What about headsets? Equipment to loan like microphones or recording devices?
> What else are you doing or planning to do to keep your centers healthy and sanitary to prevent the spread of corona virus?
> Best regards,
> Erica
> Erica Andree
> Director | Center for Languages and International Collaboration
> Pacific University | 2043 College Way | Forest Grove, OR 97116
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