computer, equipment, and lab sanitizing Andree, Erica A. (21 May 2020 15:25 UTC)
Re: [LLTI] computer, equipment, and lab sanitizing Bob Majors (21 May 2020 16:23 UTC)
RE: [LLTI] computer, equipment, and lab sanitizing Fitzgerald, Hope (hf6v) (21 May 2020 17:05 UTC)
Re: [LLTI] computer, equipment, and lab sanitizing Garbelotti, Tom (21 May 2020 17:38 UTC)
Re: [LLTI] computer, equipment, and lab sanitizing Tamatha Perlman (21 May 2020 18:39 UTC)
Re: [LLTI] computer, equipment, and lab sanitizing Garbelotti, Tom (21 May 2020 19:48 UTC)

Re: [LLTI] computer, equipment, and lab sanitizing Bob Majors 21 May 2020 16:06 UTC

We just started looking at disposable covers for headsets. We have just scratched the surface, and this is by no means a recommendation, but:

I recall from *many* years ago there being a lot of LLTI discussion (any maybe a posted web page) about lab hygiene.

Bob Majors
Language Learning Center
University of Washington

> On May 20, 2020, at 5:31 PM, Andree, Erica A. <> wrote:
> Hello All,
> In anticipation of students someday returning to campus and the language center, I’m looking for ways to maintain sanitary public spaces - the computer workstations in particular.
> Do you have ideas or recommendations for keeping Apple wired USB keyboards and mice clean and sanitized?  I’m considering washable silicone keyboard covers, disposable plastic bag-type covers, replacing with waterproof keyboards, or using damp sanitizing wipes directly on the keyboards, mice, and desktop.  What about headsets? Equipment to loan like microphones or recording devices?
> What else are you doing or planning to do to keep your centers healthy and sanitary to prevent the spread of corona virus?
> Best regards,
> Erica
> Erica Andree
> Director | Center for Languages and International Collaboration
> Pacific University | 2043 College Way | Forest Grove, OR 97116
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