FERPA Regulations Sandhya Shanker (19 Mar 2020 18:17 UTC)
RE: [LLTI] FERPA Regulations Rachel Kraut (19 Mar 2020 19:20 UTC)
Re: [LLTI] FERPA Regulations Henshaw, Florencia Giglio (19 Mar 2020 20:14 UTC)
Re: [LLTI] FERPA Regulations Esperanza Roman-Mendoza (19 Mar 2020 20:40 UTC)

RE: [LLTI] FERPA Regulations Rachel Kraut 19 Mar 2020 18:23 UTC

We were just talking about this among ourselves in my department yesterday. A colleague dug up our university's FERPA-related media release form about recordings. I think it is a FERPA violation to record online classes without signed media releases.


-----Original Message-----
From: llti@lists.iallt.org [mailto:llti@lists.iallt.org] On Behalf Of Sandhya Shanker
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2020 1:16 PM
To: llti@lists.iallt.org
Subject: [LLTI] FERPA Regulations


I supervise community-based language programming and was wondering if
there are there any FERPA regulations on conducting online classes for
minors. I've heard both sides: some that say its not an issue as long as
we don't
record class sessions (e.g. via Zoom) that show kids' faces and others
that say that FERPA rules do not allow for conducting online sessions. Any
clarification on this would be greatly helpful.

Sandhya Shanker

Sandhya Shanker, M.A
Director, Community Language School

Academic Specialist, Center for Language Teaching Advancement (CeLTA)

Instructor, French LEAF Program
Gifted & Talented Education

Michigan State University
619 Red Cedar Road, B135 Wells Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824-1027
E-Mail: shankers@msu.edu

CLS line: 517-355-7587
CeLTA line: 517-884-4310
Direct line: 517-884-4333

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