Workshops for Teachers

The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of Minnesota offers a series of online Saturday workshops for language educators. These low-cost workshops are designed with the practitioner in mind. Below is one of the workshops that is targeted for technology. See more workshops on the CARLA Workshop webpage.

At a FrEEEmium:
Engaging Easy Apps to Enhance Language Learning

Saturday, February 4, 2023
9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. (Central Time)
Online via Zoom
Cost: $30 Register now with a credit card!

Engage students with a variety of “freemium” web tools: tools that are free with optional premium features (for a reasonable fee). During the workshop, participants will experience and explore web tools that provide opportunities for students to have both quick practice and extended interactions with the target language. Participants will discuss the challenges and advantages of each app presented.  Participants will have time to create their own activities with tools of their choice, share their ideas for using a particular tool, and exchange feedback on activities created. Learn more...

Leslie Plyler is an online teacher of French in North Carolina since 2014 and was the district’s 2022 Virtual Teacher of the Year. Leslie is a member of the teaching team for the CARLA Summer Institute Transforming the Teaching of Language Online (TTLO).

Target Audience: This workshop is designed for middle, high school, and post secondary world language and English as a Second Language educators.

The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of Minnesota is a research and resource center devoted to improving language teaching and learning.