Hi Julie.

In recent years, we’ve gone with a case-by-case process where we determine what language the student claims to be proficient in. If we do not offer the language that the student speaks, then we direct them to register for a OPI or OPIc with LTI. They must meet the minimum rating of "Intermediate-Mid.” The student takes the test, gets their rating, and then downloads their certificate. We receive the certificate in our office, verify that it is authentic, and then send it to our College advising office with a written approval that they meet the language requirement. Then the Advising office makes the notation on their Banner account that says they meet the language requirement towards graduation.

Daniel E. Meyers, Director
Interactive Language Resource Center
Miami University
Irvin Hall 47
400 East Spring Street
Oxford, OH 45056-1859
Office: (513) 529-2510
Labs: (513) 529-4505

Learn about Miami Tribe Relations
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On Jan 11, 2021, at 09:53, Julie Evershed <evershed@umich.edu> wrote:


I am interested in learning more about how other institutions (with a language requirement) handle assessment of languages that are not taught on that campus? This would be for students wishing to demonstrate proficiency in a language in order to waive the requirement. 
  • How do you find testers/tests?
  • Do you have criteria for what is being assessed?
  • How do you determine if a students has proficiency to waive your requirement? 
  • If you have a language center, is it involved in the process, and if so, to what level? 
Thank you, Julie

Julie Evershed, Director
Language Resource Center | 105 South State Street | 1195 North Quad | Ann Arbor, MI I  48109-1285
Phone: 734-764-0424 | Email: evershed@umich.edu


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