Hi everyone! Put this on your calendar! And share the info with anyone who would be interested!

Are discussion forums really interactive? Ideas for purposeful asynchronous communication

Discussion boards are the quintessential tool for asynchronous communication in online environments. However, typical forum posts resemble individual writing assignments followed by an obligatory and oftentimes vague response component, involving "at least two classmates who don't have any replies yet." In this webinar, I propose a different way of approaching asynchronous communication assignments, which aligns more closely with our goal of helping students to develop communicative ability in the target language. I will share several examples and ideas for novice, intermediate, and advanced learners, as well as some tips to minimize cheating.

Florencia Henshaw, University of Illinois
June 24, 2020, at 2:00 Eastern / 1:00 Central / 12:00 Mountain / 11:00 Pacific
Registration link: https://forms.gle/cxcwmwHMGmCkgFTs7