Dear Colleagues,


Please see the CfP below from our sister organization, LET, and consider submitting a proposal.  LET conferences are always worth the trip, if you’re outside Japan and thinking about attending!


The Japan Association for Language Education & Technology (LET)

The 60th National Conference in Fukuoka

Call for Papers / Posters


On behalf of the Organizing Committee we are glad to invite you to take part in the 60th National Conference of LET 2020 that will be held at the University of Kitakyushu, Hibikino Campus (Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka) on the 19th, 20th, and 21st of September, 2020. We invite you to submit your proposal and to attend in order to share your achievements in the fields of language education and technology. We look forward to seeing you at the University of Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan!

LET 2020 Organizing Committee.


Conference Theme

Universal Design for Learning and Foreign Language Education: Current Issues and Needs


Keynote Speakers

Takeda, Keiichi (LD Center, Osaka Medical College)

Iijima, Mutsumi (Gumma University)


  1. Important Dates

Opening for Proposal Submission                 February 17, 2020

Submission Deadline (proposal abstract)          April 15, 2020

(no later than 23:59 (JST))

Acknowledgment of Receipt                              within 3 days after submission

Notification of Acceptance (by mail)                May 15, 2020

Draft Program Available on the Website           May 15, 2020

Camera-ready Paper Due                                    June 15, 2020

Shipment of Brochure to LET members         late July, 2020

Conference                                                          September 19-21, 2020


  1. Conference fees:

Early bird: 4,000 yen (students: 2,000 yen)

On-site: 5,000 yen (students: 2,500 yen)



  1. Presentation Categories

LET 2020 encourages the following types of submissions:

-       Research presentation: Oral presentation of theoretical or empirical research in the areas of foreign language learning, SLA (second language acquisition), language science, or related areas. (20 min presentation/10 min discussion)

-       Classroom report: Oral presentation relating to the teaching methodology and/or materials developed for foreign language learning, or development / utilization / assessment of systems. (20 min presentation/10 min discussion)

-       Poster presentations: Poster sessions allow attendees to speak with presenters on a one-to-one basis. (60 min core time for presentation and discussion)

-       Symposia: Symposia consist of a set of thematically focused presentations on a particular topic. (90 min)


  1. Guidelines for submission

Proposal is to be received no later than 23:59 (JST), April 15, 2020. Presenters should include their IALLT ID, contact information (name, affiliation, telephone and fax number, address, and e-mail address), presentation categories, title, abstract, keywords, and a description of needed equipment. The proposal should be sent as Microsoft Word Document attachment via e-mail and should be sent to Joseph Tomei <>. In the subject area of the e-mail, please type “Submission for LET 2020”.


The Submission must meet the guidelines below:

Applicant Requirement

(1)   Prospective presenters (both representative presenters and collaborators) must be IALLT or LET members at the time of submission.

Contents of Proposal

(2)   The proposal has never been published or presented previously.


(3)   The presentation title must be in English.

(4)   All types of presentations must be presented in English.

(5)   The abstract must be approximately 400 words long in English.

(6)   Presenters must list 5 keywords. The keywords must be written in English.


For details visit our web site:




Andrew F. Ross, PhD

Director of the Language Center

Harvard University

Science Center B06.40

1 Oxford Street

Cambridge, MA 02138

(617) 496-0607

Pronouns: he, him, his