Registration Opens January 6, 2020

2020 CARLA Summer Institute Program for Language Teachers

The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of Minnesota has provided high-quality professional development for language teachers for over two decades. Launched in 1996, this internationally known program reflects CARLA's commitment to link research and theory with practical applications for the classroom. Each institute is highly interactive and includes discussion, hands-on activities, and networking.

In 2020, CARLA will offer 12 institutes on a wide range of topics, three of which are focused on technology. See below:

Transitioning to Teaching Language OnlineOnline course
June 22–July 20, 2020
This intensive four-week online course provides language teachers with the experience of being an online learner while exploring the basics of creating a successful online language class.
Presenters: Claudine Boucaud, Ritu Jayakar, Marlene Johnshoy, and Frances Matos

Using the Web for Communicative Language LearningOnline course
June 29–August 2, 2020
In this five-week online course, participants will discover ways to use online tools to promote student language comprehension and production by motivating their participation and collaboration in the target language.
Presenters: Florencia Henshaw and Marlene Johnshoy

Using Technology in Second Language TeachingOnline option
July 20–24, 2020
Participants will learn how to use technology to facilitate student use of the target language and get hands-on practice in using computers to promote students' interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational communication skills.
Presenters: Adolfo Carrillo Cabello, Marlene Johnshoy, and Dan Soneson

Find detailed information about these and other summer institutes offered in 2020:

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