Dear colleagues,

The Mid-Atlantic Association for Language Learning Technology is calling for nominations for officers to serve from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2021.  Anyone interested in participating in the organization who believes in promoting the use of technology for the teaching and learning of languages and cultures may serve as an officer; however, the President must be a member in good standing of IALLT.

Complete descriptions of the officers are available at

Nominate yourself or a colleague using the form at or by e-mailing Sharon Scinicariello at  E-mailed nominations should include the name of the nominee, his/her e-mail address, and the office of interest.  If you are self-nominating, please include a statement of 150-250 words of your interest in MAALLT. (If you nominate someone else, your nominee will be asked to accept nomination and provide a candidate statement.) You may nominate yourself or others for more than one office, although an officer can hold only one office.

Nominations close November 30, 2019, at midnight EST. Voting will take place December 8 - 15.

Questions? Please contact Sharon Scinicariello or Jeff Samuels (

Sharon Scinicariello