Hi Paul. The Interactive Language Resource Center at Miami University (Oxford, OH) began in 1956.  I have some institutional memory and clippings of newspaper articles if you’d like. Attached below is the earliest article I have regarding our facilities.  I have lists of directors and other items of interest if wanted. Let me know your email address and I can send to you directly. Dan.

Daniel E. Meyers, Director
Interactive Language Resource Center
Miami University
Irvin Hall 47
400 East Spring Street
Oxford, OH 45056-1859
Office: (513) 529-2510
Labs: (513) 529-4505

Learn about Miami Tribe Relations
Green Zone Certified Personnel
Miami Safe Zone Member

On Oct 21, 2019, at 04:45, Paul Sebastian <sebastianpl@APPSTATE.EDU> wrote:

Dear colleagues,

I'm looking to gather information regarding the early language laboratories. I would be very grateful if you could send me any historical information regarding your labs and centers as in when they began and/or pictures you might have on hand. Letters, memos, captions and other sources that support the dates and stories would be even more helpful! I'm particularly interested in centers that date back to the early 20th century, say within the first three or four decades 1900-1930 or 1940. 

Cheers, Paul Sebastian