Dear Colleagues,

Fall is a unique season that distinguishes itself not only with the colorful trees, and upcoming holidays. But with other fun events such as meeting new students and, most importantly, NERALT’s conference!

Join us on October 18th and 19th at Yale University, New Haven, CT. You will enjoy innovative ideas, our inspiring keynote speaker, Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholl, Associate Dean of Yale College and Director of the Center for Language Study, will offer the keynote presentation: "Language education and globalization: The evolving role of language centers," and networking with colleagues from a wide range of institutes.

Hurry! We are less than three weeks away from the conference! For more information about the program and registration, see

The conference flyer is attached, please share it with colleagues.

We will meet on Friday for dinner @ 7:15 at the Barcelona Wine Bar (not included in the conference registration fee; RSVP required)

Hope to see you all there!

Lulu Mustafa (on behalf of NERALLT board)

Attachment: NERALLT2019ConferenceProgram.pdf (application/pdf) 

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