Help! A colleague has asked me to present at the NASILP (National Association for Self-Instructed Language Programs) conference here next month. That is a group for lesser-commonly taught languages and some IALLTers came to the last one here. I'd like to talk about good new tech that can be used for language acquisition, especially for self-instructed and tutorial learning. Any thoughts here or in a PM? And if anyone wants to present here in Birmingham, I'll send you the link for the call for papers. The program is not yet set.


Abazos a todos, su Mike



Mikle D. Ledgerwood, Ph.D.

Professor of Romance Languages and Linguistics

World Languages and Cultures


205-726-2693 | office

800 Lakeshore Drive
Birmingham, AL 35229


Samford Howard College of Arts and Sciences Logo


Summer graduate faculty in technology and language learning

State University of New York at Stony Brook


Professsor of Communication Spring 2019

LCC International University

KlaipÄ—da, Lithuania