Greetings IALLTers,

As summer comes to an official close, we'd like to send a reminder of the upcoming deadline for the call for chapter proposals to be included in IALLT's upcoming book, "Language Center Handbook 2021." See all the pertinent details below and feel free to reach out to the editors for any inquiries you might have. 



Betsy Lavolette, Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan,
Angelika Kraemer, Cornell University, USA,

Proposal submission deadline:Sept. 20, 2019

The International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT) is soliciting chapter proposals for a new book tentatively titled “Language Center Handbook 2021.” This volume, with chapters double-blind peer-reviewed by an editorial board, is a follow-up to the Language Center Handbook published in 2018. Its chapters will address current best practices in managing and developing a language center, language center design and redesign, and other areas related to language centers. We particularly welcome proposals for chapters with an international perspective.

For more information, please visit
