Dear IALLT colleagues,

I'm conducting a study about the use of Google Translate and other related resources in online language courses. The study involves a 15-minute survey, and is open to both instructors and students who've taught/taken an online language course at the post-secondary level in the past year. 

Those completing the survey will receive a $10 gift certificate. Information about the survey is below. If you would be willing to participate yourself and/or invite your students to participate, please email me to let me know ( If you could also forward this information to any other instructors you think may be interested, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you very much! Errol


My name is Errol O'Neill, and I'm an Assistant Professor at the University of Memphis. You and your students are invited to participate in a paid study about the use of online translators, online dictionaries, and other online tools for courses taught online. Participants who complete the survey, which is estimated to take about 15 minutes, will receive a $10 gift card.

The purpose of the study is to investigate 1) how much and in what ways students use online tools in permitted (e.g. homework) and unauthorized (e.g. tests) contexts and 2) instructor attitudes and policies towards student use of online translators, dictionaries, and similar tools.

Either you, your students, or both may participate in this study. Participation in this survey is voluntary for you and/or your students. All the responses that are provided will be kept confidential; identifying information will not be collected or stored, except respondents' email addresses to allow for payment of the $10 gift certificate. This email address will not be associated with respondents' answers to the rest of the survey to ensure anonymity of responses.

Your participation, or the participation of your students, will allow me to better understand student use of permitted and unauthorized online tools for online courses, as well as instructor policies and attitudes towards their use. Only the first 50 instructors and 200 students to complete the survey will be eligible to receive the $10 payment; after this the surveys will be closed.

If you are interested in participating personally and/or would be willing to forward a recruitment email to your students, please contact the researcher at Please pass on this announcement to any colleagues who you believe may be interested. If you have any questions at any time, please let me know.

Thank you very much! Best wishes,

Errol M. O'Neill 
Assistant Professor
Department of World Languages and Literatures
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The University of Memphis 
253-D Jones Hall 
Memphis, TN 38152 

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