Happy 4th of July week everyone!

We’re happy to announce that our free google sheets plugin that makes creating quiz questions for Moodle easier is finally available on the G-suite marketplace 
(QB)² - Question Bank Quick Builder: (https://gsuite.google.com/marketplace/app/qb%C2%B2_question_bank_quick_builder/1057685094279).

For more information and instructions, please see https://humtech.ucla.edu/project/qb2-question-bank-quick-builder/

While we are looking to develop this to work with other LMSs going forward, for the moment this is Moodle only.

I do want to take a moment and thank our developer, Lillian Hawasli for all of her hard work and perseverance in getting it published.

Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback!


Thomas Garbelotti
Instructional Technology Coordinator
UCLA Humanities Technology
