Hi Patricia,

We just completed a custom build to get our feet wet as well in the VR world. We decided to build our own machine for cost purposes, We used a RTX 2070 GPU and an Intel Core 17 CPU; the final set up is clocking 59fps at 4k. and cost around $1700.

For a headset, we got the RiFTs, which is a great lightweight headset that doesn’t need the fixed sensors to be located (it uses cameras instead). This is ideal for us, as we cart mounted the box with a 55 inch monitor, giving us the ability to move it around easily.

Combined with a ps4 setup (VR helmet as well), we were able to do everything for about 4k (cart, monitor, etc.).

If you’d like pictures or a spreadsheet breakdown, let me know!

Thomas Garbelotti
Instructional Technology Coordinator
UCLA Humanities Technology


On Jun 10, 2019, at 11:45 AM, Patricia Rene' Nolde <pnolde@gsu.edu> wrote:

HI everyone!
I seem to have an excess of budget this year, and I’m investigating headsets, goggles and cameras for VR activities.  For those of you who have worked in this area, do you have any equipment recommendations?
Patricia Nolde
Coordinator, The CIRCLE
The Center for International Resources and Collaborative Language Engagement
Department of World Languages and Cultures
Georgia State University

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