Aloha! The National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) is pleased to announce its two-part webinars on Harnessing High-Leverage Teaching Practices (HLTPs) in Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL), which will take place on Wednesday, June 5 (Part 1) and Wednesday, June 12 (Part 2).

In the webinars, we will explore the question “What HLTP concepts would help me design, develop, and implement PBLL experiences more effectively?”

In order to get maximum benefit from the two webinars, we recommend that you 1) familiarize yourself with the six High-Leverage Teaching Practices (HLTPs) beforehand and 2) have experience with Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL). This, however, is not a requirement, and any participant with interest in both is welcome to attend.

NOTE: These webinars will be recorded and made available at a later date.

Webinar dates (two-part)

  • Webinar 1: Wednesday, June 5 (PBLL & HLTPs #1-3)

    • Host: Nicole Naditz

    • Guests: Adam Ross & Rachel Mamiya Hernandez

  • Webinar 2: Wednesday, June 12 (PBLL & HLTPs #4-6)

    • Host: Nicole Naditz

    • Guests: Megan Ferry & Laura Sexton

Session times (two 90-minute live webinars)

2pm Hawai‘i | 5pm PST | 6pm MST | 7pm CST | 8pm EST



To register, visit our webpage: Registration deadline June 4, 2019.

Jim Yoshioka
Program Coordinator

National Foreign Language Resource Center
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
1859 East-West Road #106
Honolulu, HI  96822-2322
Phone: 808-956-9424
NFLRC YouTube channel:
