Aloha! The High-Leverage Teaching Practices (HLTP) podcast released by the NFLRC is a series of 7 episodes based on the book Enacting the World of Language Instruction: High-Leverage Teaching Practices by Eileen Glisan and Rick Donato (2017). The episodes are designed to enhance the book contents. Each episode features interviews with world language professionals who share their insights and experience in relation to each of the HLTPs. All interviews are hosted by Nicole Naditz (2015 ACTFL National Language Teacher of the Year) for the NFLRC. The first two episodes are already available, and a new episode will be released each day this week.

The lessons linked to each episode contain a video of the interview, additional information with links, a quiz, and question prompts for discussion or reflection.

National Foreign Language Resource Center
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
1859 East-West Road #106
Honolulu, HI  96822-2322
Phone: 808-956-9424
NFLRC YouTube channel:
