Save the date!
The Midwest Association for Language Learning and Technology (MWALLT) will hold its 2020 conference on February 8, 2020. Put it on your calendar and plan to attend, whether at a host or hub campus, or online!
This conference will be of particular interest to all K-12 and post-secondary language instructors, to individuals affiliated with media centers or language labs, and to individuals interested in any facet of language learning technology.
The conference will be held on at least four campuses that will be connected by video conferencing technology. The four identified “host” campuses are: the University of Iowa, the University of Kansas, Michigan State University, and the University of Minnesota. Those who want to present at the conference will be required to attend the conference at a host campus.
Universities or language centers at least four hours from any host site are invited to volunteer to host a “hub”!
• Hubs participate virtually in the conference.
• Hubs also provide some structure for social interaction outside of the presentations.
• Hubs provide at least two rooms capable of receiving and projecting the video feeds from the host sites.
• Hubs will not be sending presentations, only receiving.
While the conference will allow remote attendees to ask questions and participate in discussions, we also want to provide a networking opportunity for those not able to attend at one of the host sites. See the hub proposal form for more details and to become a hub campus.
Hub proposal form:
Deadline for hub proposals: September 15, 2019