Dear Colleagues,

Please join us for NEALLT 2019 (Northeast Association for Language Learning Technology) at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia from April 5 – April 7.

The program for this year's conference "Transformative Practices: Teaching and Learning Language and Cultures with Technology" comprises 40+ practical-oriented sessions by language educators and experts in the field of  telecollaboration, digital pedagogy, teacher training, blended, distance and online learning, textbook design and use in online environments, video technology, and new trends in language resource centers.

All registered for the conference are invited to the Friday reception and Saturday luncheon to meet and interact with the speakers and your colleagues in a relaxed and informal setting.

For detailed information about the program and to register for the conference, and for the optional Friday Workshop, Saturday Dinner and Sunday Lunch, please see 

We look forward to seeing you at the conference and please forward this announcement to your colleagues and departments.


NEALLT Board & Planning Committee