Call for Nominations - Reminder
December 7, 2018
Dear IALLT Members,
Nominations continue to be accepted for the election of IALLT officers for the 2019-2021 term. Although a few names have been received, nominations can still be made until the end of December 2018. If you have been thinking of serving or have someone in mind, please consider making a nomination. We are seeking candidates for the following positions:
President-Elect (6-year commitment)
The President-Elect serves a term of two (2) years and then automatically becomes President at the conclusion of the prior President’s term of office. The President-Elect gathers and disseminates organizational news and acts as a liaison with regional groups, holds monthly meetings with the regional group leaders, works with the IALLT conference planning committee to plan the biennial conference, oversees all publications produced by IALLT, oversees the website committee, and attends the monthly Board calls and annual business meeting. The candidate should be willing to serve for 2 years as the President-Elect, 2 years as the President, and 2 years in the advisory Council position of Past-President.
Programs Director (2-year term)
The Programs Director oversees all Affiliate Representatives and prepares exhibit hall materials for IALLT and affiliate conferences, coordinates with the Publicity and Social Media committees, oversees the Conference, Webinar, and Commercial Relations Coordinator Council positions, and attends the monthly Board calls and annual business meeting.
The Treasurer shall serve a term of four (4) years. The Treasurer is responsible for all funds, moneys due, and the deposit of such moneys in the name of the corporation in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as shall be selected in accordance with the provisions of the IALLT Bylaws. He/she prepares a general financial report for each Executive Board meeting and a detailed report for the annual member meeting.
Secretary (2 year-term)
Acts as parliamentarian, attends and keeps the minutes of all Board meetings, Board and Council meetings, and any general member meeting where IALLT business is to be transacted, and is the custodian of the organization’s records.
Candidates should be IALLT members, have some familiarity with the IALLT mission and its activities, and have the support of their institution for time and travel associated with the position.
December 31, 2018 | Call for nominations closes. |
January and February, 2019 | Position statements by the candidates along with biographical information will be sent out to all IALLT members and posted on the IALLT website. An online question and answer session will be held at a date to be announced after the close of nominations. |
1st week of February, 2019 | Meet the Candidates Session (online) |
2nd week of February, 2019 | Voting via electronic ballots accessed through the IALLT website. |
Early March, 2019 | Results announced |
IALLT 2019 conference (June 19-22, 2019) | New officers are installed during the biennial conference business meeting. |
If you would like to nominate someone (or yourself), you may either reply to this message or contact the Elections Committee Chair directly as listed below. I will be happy to answer your questions about what service in these position entails.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of nominating friends and colleagues who will keep IALLT moving forward through the years ahead.
Sangeetha Gopalakrishnan, IALLT Immediate Past-President, Election Committee Chair
Email: sangeetha@wayne.edu, Phone: 313 577 6391
Harold Hendricks, IALLT Past President, Elections Committee Member
Robert Reynolds, Brigham Young University, Elections Committee Member